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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]For basic mastering, we charge on a per-track basis. The base price is $20/track, although this base price can be adjusted upwards or downwards depending on things like track length or difficulty. We won’t charge you the full $20 for a 10-second “interlude” track, but we won’t charge you $20 for a single 40-minute track either. We’re assuming an average 4-5 minute track, give or take. If a track requires a lot of tweaking and special processing to compensate for recording or mixing problems, that’ll bump up the price. If the track is basically flawless and doesn’t need anything, the price goes down.  Rush jobs (less than 2 weeks start-to-finish)  tend to cost a bit more per-track, due to the drop-everything-else-and-finish-this nature of the work .

We often provide discounts for short jobs, repeat customers, etc.

It’d be easy to say “yeah, we’ll just charge a flat fee” and for most intents and purposes, we do, but because of the vagaries of the industry and the nature of the work, there can be additional charges.  We will of course keep you informed up-front about them and advise you how to avoid them. These usually stem from time spent converting file formats, organizing things, downloading missing tracks, last-minute changes, etc.  Generally rare and easily avoidable, but they do happen occasionally.

For other services, such as mixing, recording, or production, it’s generally by the hour. It’s best to contact us for a quote.

Send an email to to request a consultation or a quote.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]